Here we have page 3 and 4 of the book.I chose very bright colours
Not really my kind of colours, I just wanted to make it nice and spring like.
Page 3 is a lamb and her Baby, Page 4 are some Tulips.
Pages 1 and 2 of my Spring Mini book. Young girl walking in the Rain with her wellies on and an Umbrella. Page 2 is a lovely Red Robin, with a Cheeky Chick in a Easter Bonnet.
This is the front and back of a mini book called Spring It is for a mingle on a group called Paperdelights. My first time at taking a photograph of my work.
Friday, 13 March 2009
This is a photograph I have taken of some boxes I have made. At workshops, and at Stamp Camp. I have never really taken many Photos of my work. I will try harder in future.